7 Ways To Repair The Computer Suddenly Turn Off Simply

7 ways to repair the computer suddenly turn off simply

Computer suddenly shutting down

Computer suddenly shutting down while in use is a common issue for computer users. This situation disrupts the work process and can be frustrating. If you have not found a way to fix this error yet, please refer to the article below for effective solutions on how to fix the sudden shutdown of your computer.


What causes a computer to suddenly shut down and not turn on?


Your computer suddenly shuts down and does not turn on while you are working. This problem can stem from various reasons. The main cause that can lead your computer to this unwanted state is overheating due to prolonged usage, unstable or overloaded power supply. Additionally, a faulty motherboard, hard drive, or RAM can also be the reason for your computer shutting down while in use.

Ways to Fix Sudden Shutdown of Your Computer While in Use


If the sudden shutdown of your computer is not addressed promptly, it can significantly affect your usage experience. Here are some simple and effective solutions to fix your computer’s sudden shutdown error at home.


Change Power Supply

computer suddenly
computer suddenly

Power supply issues are one of the most common causes of sudden shutdown of computers. To address this, check if the power supply to the device is stable. If not, try changing the power supply and see if it improves the situation.

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Fully Update Motherboard Drivers


Updating motherboard drivers is also a way to fix the sudden shutdown error of your computer that you can do at home. To update motherboard drivers, you can do it in two ways:


– Method 1: Manually update motherboard drivers by accessing the manufacturer’s website and searching for the latest suitable driver. You should ensure that you select a driver that is compatible with your operating system version.


– Method 2: Install popular automatic driver update software such as Driver Booster, Driver Easy, Driver Talent, etc. This method will save you more time than manual updating.

Control CPU Temperature


The majority of sudden shutdown errors when using a computer are due to the CPU temperature exceeding the allowed limit. To fix this error, you need to monitor and control the temperature and fan speed of the CPU appropriately through software that supports monitoring voltage, temperature, and CPU fan speed. Additionally, the reason the CPU is overheating may also be due to the computer not being properly cleaned or the CPU cooling fan being damaged. In this case, you only need to regularly clean your computer, avoiding excessive dust buildup, which reduces the cooling ability of hardware devices. If the cooling fan is damaged, repair or replace it to fix the sudden shutdown error of your computer.

Install the Appropriate Operating System


A faulty operating system may also be the cause of the sudden shutdown error of your computer. In this case, try restarting your computer and updating the operating system for your machine. However, you should save important data on your computer before installing the new operating system.

Reliable and Affordable Computer Repair Services for Sudden Shutdown Errors


If you have tried all the above methods and still cannot fix the sudden shutdown error of your computer, KFS Service will help you solve this problem thoroughly. With many years of experience in repairing iMac computers, KFS Service has received a lot of support from customers. We continuously improve the quality of our services to serve our customers in the best way possible.


Here are the benefits that customers will receive when choosing computer repair services for issues ranging from sudden power shutdown to CPU and hardware errors at KFS Service:


  • The repair process at KFS Service is always conducted in a transparent and open manner, and customers can observe the entire replacement and repair process.
  • Replacement components are all imported from reputable sources, ensuring that no low-quality or unknown origin products are used.
  • Repair prices are reasonable and affordable for all customers.
  • The team of highly skilled staff provides quick support to fix the problem.
  • Good warranty policy, free replacement if similar errors occur after repair.

KFS Service – Specializing in repairing Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and all types of laptops.

– Branch 1: 05B Pho Quang, Ward 2, Tan Binh District.

– Branch 2: No. 02 Dong Nai Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.

– Branch 3: 104 Nguyen Van Thuong (D1), Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.

Working hours: Monday to Sunday (8:00 AM – 8:00 PM).

Hotline: 0708 963 966 – 0903 963 966

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